About Me

My photo
wigan, greater manchester, United Kingdom
im a bubbly and outgoing person and love to create garments embellishing with my own qwirky style.I go to The University of Central lancashire and have grown to really enjoy the industry of design alot!

My ArtWork...

Final major project sketchbook - Alice in wonderland
Final major project - mad hatter's teaparty

Mad hatter's teaparty
Would You Like Some Tea..?
Eat Me..?
Curiouser And Curiouser...
Final Major Project Exhibition Show 2010
Human Cells Corsit
Human Cells corsit //2
Human Cells Corsit //3
Human Cells Corsit Detail
Human Cells Corsit Detail//2
Waste Paper Project- Newspaper skirt in movement
Newspaper skirt in Movement- Swing
Newspaper skirt in Movement - Spinning
Newspaper Skirt In Movement - Roundabout
Newspaper Skirt in Movement - Spinning
Newspaper Skirt
Newspaper Skirt in Movement - Spinning
Waste Paper Project- Design sheet
Waste Paper Project - Sample//1
Waste Paper Project - Sample//2
Waste Paper Project - Sample//3
Waste Paper Project - Sample //4
Waste Paper Project - Sample //5
Waste Paper Project- Sample //6
Science And Industrial Museum Project - ceramic Bowl Detail
Science And Industrial Museum Project - Ceramics
Science And Industrial Museum Project - Ceramic Bowl
Hand Made Paper Mothers Day Cards Sold For Comic Relief In Creative Business Thinking
Knitting Project - Necklace
Knitting Project - Detail on Necklace
Knitting Project - Detailed Samples for Necklace
Felting Project - Sample //1
Felting Project - Sample //2
Kinasethic Porject - Fire and water in movement using different media
Motif Project - Etching sample (giraffe)
Motif Project - Different media Sample (jelly fish)
Motif Project - Heat Transfer Sample (puff fish)
Skins Project- Rug Tufting Sample
Skins Project- Felting Sample //1
Skins Porject- Felt Sample //2
Skins Project- Final Felted Sample For a Mounted Wall Rug
Mimic - Ball Of Yarn Pretending to be a Rose
Mimic //2